Portland 咨询 Options

If you or someone you know is suicidal and needs help immediately, do not call the 健康 & Wellness Center, call 911. Find emergency resources.

学生 on the Portland campus have several options for engaging in mental health support:

  1. 刘易斯 & Clark Community 咨询 Center— WWU partners with the CCC in Portland to be able to receive 10 free counseling sessions per year. It is important to note that you are a WWU student when reaching out to the 咨询 Center for services.
  2. Associates for Psychiatric and Mental 健康— This resource is an outstanding opportunity for nursing students who wish to have a medical evaluation for mental health support. Therapy and medication can received through trained and licensed professionals who offer both simultaneously. APMH  offers a free consultation service for students to explore what is best for their care. Insurance will be billed for APMH services unless the student makes other arrangements with a provider. APMH offers virtual and in-person treatment options.
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